Cost Management Specialists client list includes small, medium & large companies.
Our clients are mainly in the private and 'not for profit' sectors. They are prepared to embrace change to improve their success.
Clients include:
- family businesses
- those pursuing growth and
- those who are underperforming.
Clients needs vary and include:
- Growth - clients want strategic directions, systems & performance measures to achieve growth;
- Margin - the owners recognise that on current performance, they would get a better return by having their money in the bank;
- Process Improvement - clients have grown quickly and now recognises the need to reengineering processes to increase efficiency;
- Information Technology & Communications - clients want better value for money and integration from their IT and communications investment;
- Customer Profitability - clients want to work to achieve a target of more than 80% of clients being profitable;
- Supply - clients require better supply options which deliver quality and value;
- Waste - clients recognise waste within the business and need to minimise it;
- Working Capital - the increase in debtors, growth in inventory and growing cost of the overdraft is strangling the business;
- Pricing - clients recognise the needs to cost services more accurately and to review pricing to achieve higher margins;
- Survival - clients are faced a choice between shutting the doors or restructuring the business as an ongoing concern with positive equity;
- Sale - clients want to prepare for sale to attract the maximise price;
Cost Management Specialists clients come mainly through:
- qualified referrals and networking,
- cost management workshops, articles & public speaking and
- client staff movement to new employers