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"ethics 1 study of morals in human conduct; moral philosophy.
  2 rules of conduct appropriate to a particular profession or area of life."
Source: The Oxford English Reference Dictionary, © Oxford University Press 1996

Ethical Conduct

As a member of the Blue Chip Consulting Group, Cost Management Specialists staff and associates commit to the following code of ethical conduct:


  1. Receive no fee, remuneration or reward from a third party without prior written Client permission.
  2. Reflect the benefit of our expertise experience and learning for the benefit of Clients.
  3. Deliver consultancy & training services with integrity, objectivity and a results focus.
  4. Provide superior service to deliver successful Client outcomes.
  5. Respect the confidentiality of Client information and only use proprietary Client information with prior written permission.
  6. Declare any existing or potential conflict of interest as soon as it is recognised
  7. Negotiate with a Client to resolve any existing or potential conflict of interest to their satisfaction.


  1. Respect intellectual property rights and only use proprietary information when legally entitled to do so.
  2. Act in an honest, fair and professional manner at all times.
  3. Accept that compliance with this Code of Ethics is a non negotiable condition of ongoing employment, membership or association with Cost Management Specialists.
  4. Report any alleged or actual violations of this Code to the owners of the Blue Chip Consulting Group as soon as possible for resolution.


  1. Continuously improve our professional skills
“"Lean," focuses on the creation of customer value and elimination of waste - anything that does not add value from the customer's perspective. Lean focusses on preserving value with less work.”

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Page updated: 25th January 2016