"ethics n.pl. | 1 study of morals in human conduct; moral philosophy. |
| 2 rules of conduct appropriate to a particular profession or area of life." |
Source: The Oxford English Reference Dictionary, © Oxford University Press 1996 |
Ethical Conduct
As a member of the Blue Chip Consulting Group, Cost Management Specialists staff and associates commit to the following code of ethical conduct:
- Receive no fee, remuneration or reward from a third party without prior written Client permission.
- Reflect the benefit of our expertise experience and learning for the benefit of Clients.
- Deliver consultancy & training services with integrity, objectivity and a results focus.
- Provide superior service to deliver successful Client outcomes.
- Respect the confidentiality of Client information and only use proprietary Client information with prior written permission.
- Declare any existing or potential conflict of interest as soon as it is recognised
- Negotiate with a Client to resolve any existing or potential conflict of interest to their satisfaction.
- Respect intellectual property rights and only use proprietary information when legally entitled to do so.
- Act in an honest, fair and professional manner at all times.
- Accept that compliance with this Code of Ethics is a non negotiable condition of ongoing employment, membership or association with Cost Management Specialists.
- Report any alleged or actual violations of this Code to the owners of the Blue Chip Consulting Group as soon as possible for resolution.
- Continuously improve our professional skills