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Company Profile

Cost Management Specialists have manufactured profit for clients since 1992 while investing in the ongoing development of our skill, expertise and experience. The initial focus on major expenditure has expanded significantly to a more strategic approach to cost management.

Cost Management Specialists continue to deliver value as a result-oriented, focussed provider of Consulting and Training Services. We use strategic cost management to manufacture profit for clients and position their business for ongoing success!
We work with clients to:
  • implement effective cost management strategies;
  • ingrain a 'cost management mindset' amongst staff;
  • manufacture profit;
  • invest in sustainability.
Cost Management Specialists believe the hallmarks of a successful business are:
  • Definition of the Value Proposition - how you sell goods and or services at a price which represents value for the client and achieves your profitability and sustainability objectives;
  • Sales and marketing targeted to a Target Client Profile - clients for whom your value proposition is highest;
  • Clear responsibility, accountability and an effective Performance Management System;
  • Opportunity for Staff Initiative based on informed choice.
“The only sustainable competitive advantage is the ability to learn faster than the competition.”
Arie de Geus

Consulting Principal

John Cleary is the Principal of Cost Management Specialists.

He is highly valued by Australian and overseas clients for his business acumen and skill in manufacturing profit.

John holds qualifications from Melbourne and Monash University and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Institute of Cost Management (Nigeria). He is a member of Leadership Victoria and a Graduate of the Australian Company Directors Course.

John promotes client 'buy in' to ensure ongoing client staff 'ownership' beyond specific Cost Management Specialists projects. He has excellent interpersonal skills and believes that the secrets to personal success are aspiration and a love of learning.

“Excellent clarity and great ability to listen and respond.”
Client Testimonial

John has presented conferences on Strategic Cost Management in Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Tanzania, Thailand and Singapore. He is active in professional networks and is committed to continuous improvement of all aspects of the Cost Management Specialists business.

As the Managing Director of the Blue Chip Consulting Group, John also works in the areas of strategy, leadership, governance and change management.

“We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well who thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well.
If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view.”
Mao Tse-Tung

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Page updated: 25th January 2016