The Blue Chip Consulting Group
Blue Chip is a consulting firm providing Consulting, Training, Facilitation and Coaching services to assist clients clarify their strategic direction and build their capability for success
Blue Chip provides individual consultants, skilled project teams, project management and a single point of co-ordination for Clients and collaborates with complementary, companies to bring broad expertise and experience across a range of industries to Project Teams.
Abbotsford Convent
Preferred Conference Venue in Melbourne.
Mindwerx International Pty Ltd helps individuals and organisations find innovative solutions to 21st Century challenges.
Mindwerx provides education, training, and facilitation services in Quality, Continuous Improvement, Deliberate Creative Thinking and Applied Innovation.
Australia Business Arts Foundation
AbaF was established in 2000 and promotes private sector support for the arts by connecting business, the arts, donors and foundations.
AbaF works with the business sector, the arts & cultural sector (organisations & individuals), the philanthropic sector (foundations, trusts & individuals) & Councils.
Leadership Victoria
Leadership Victoria was established in 1990 and was the first community leadership program in Australia. It is an independent, non-partisan, non-aligned entity developing community leadership in Victoria.
Program graduates make their skills available in a Skillsbank to assist in community development on a 'pro bono' basis.