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Typical ProjectsThis is a typical case study outlining a broad example of our work. Contact us for more Case Studies AbstractThe Client was a manufacturer with a ten year history. Total revenue had grown significantly over that time but in the year of highest revenue, the business made its biggest loss. Cost Management Specialists brief was to assist in rebuilding the business to being profitable. BackgroundOur client had built an impressive business. The Directors were opportunistic with an appetite for further growth who appreciated the value of technology. Employment conditions were good and the offices were beautifully presented and well located. All focus had been on revenue but the business model was not working. As volume increased, margins were falling. As revenue grew, profit declined. The $ target was clear. The savings required were significant in dollar terms but only equated to 5% of total expenditure. The 'Find the Hidden Profit' Project1. Developing the Base LineThe savings target was based on the loss in the previous year plus the project consulting fees. Cost Management Specialists (CMS) undertook the project based on cost management and a 'pruning a rose bush analogy' to focus on profitability and sustainability. Simple cost reduction requires no such vision. CMS conducted 'one on one' meetings with all major stakeholders. Staff were assured of confidentiality and encouraged to be frank in their views. At each meeting the savings target was reinforced as was the rose bush analogy - 'we are pruning the business so that it regrows in a shaped way'. Each key stakeholder was clear about their expected contribution to finding hidden profit and their participation, as a member of the Management Team, in a 'Find the Hidden Profit' Workshop to make recommendations to achieve the savings target. Each meeting concluded with the direct questions:
Some staff focussed solely on their own issues reflecting a 'silo mentality'. There was significant goodwill amongst staff but, in some instances, the relationship took priority over results. In conjunction with stakeholder meetings, capacity and utilisation were measured. Few bottle necks occurred due to utilisation as there was excess capacity. Process mapping highlighted duplication and inefficiency. It became clear that once the business model was working effectively, there was significant scope to grow the business. 2. Find the Hidden Profit WorkshopThe workshop began with the rose bush analogy - reinforcing that the project was designed to identify short term savings to enable long term profitability. Participants were given a Find the Hidden Profit workbook and worked through the following issues:
OutcomeThe savings target was exceeded with a high level of management 'buy in'. Beyond the workshop, Managers took ownership to achieve the savings. Using a workshop approach changed the mindset of a number of managers and encouraged participants to see the bigger picture. It provided a positive discussion about the need for improved teamwork and the importance of accurate forecasting. A number of the 'unmentionables' were also discussed. While some egos were bruised, the workshop enriched relationships and developed teamwork. A potentially negative focus on just cost reduction became a positive investment in future success. The management team came to appreciate the need for:
Page updated: 25th January 2016