
Increase Working Capital – Contracts, Debits & Other Expenses

Revenue risk and the need to distinguish between fixed, variable, and discretionary cost was highlighted by Covid restrictions and lockdowns. Improving cashflow is good management anytime and can be the key to survival in the hardest of times. Survival is a challenge for any business whose revenue reduces but whose costs do not reduce proportionately.  Out-of-sight, out-of-mind expenses reduce working […]

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Cost Saving or Problem Creation?

Disruption & Strategic Cost Management  Covid-19 disruption undermines Business as Usual (BAU) which is still evolving. Reactions which meet the needs of a silo, but ignore organisational objectives, can create greater problems than a problem arising from disruption. Forewarned is forearmed in prevent ‘solutions’ becoming problems. Hindsight enables us to learn for problem creation experience and failure to consider the value […]

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Demand Planning & the Agile Digital Workforce

Change is ongoing. It is how we manage change that matters! Supply Variance European leaders have given themselves sweeping powers to block crucial Covid-19 vaccine shipments beyond Europe. Malaysia placed an export quota on surgical gloves when the implications of increased demand, arising from Covid-19, became clear. The Goldratt Institute reports that over the past 30+ years, product development increased […]

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Make Australia Make Again

The pandemic has exposed the fragility of global supply and the danger of blind reliance on imports. International freight has slowed, costs have increased, and some essential imported supplies are no longer available. Consumers don’t benefit from being stuck at the back end of a global supply chain. Malaysia, the largest global manufacturer of surgical gloves, protected their local supply by […]

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Digital Enhancement & the C-Suite

Cost Management Specialists partner with clients to exploit digital opportunity while managing risk. Digital transformation starts with C-Suite members adopting a Digital 1st mindset to opportunities &  problem with the assumption of a digital solution to improve ROI, Profit & the customer experience. The journey continues by: C-Suite members and key stakeholders reflecting on their experiences as digital consumers to […]

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More $s for Vital Projects – Guaranteed

More Banked $s – Guaranteed  You can’t bank ideas, potential, intention, or percentages.  CONTEXT  You are experiencing variable revenue, declining profit and face an uncertain future. PROPOSAL  Diagnostic Review identify hidden revenue and a profit strategy propose strategies/tactics to convert hidden revenue to banked $s demand planning and revenue forecasting proposed organisational structure to deliver a profit strategy free capacity to […]

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Competitive Tendering & the Internet of Things (IoT)

In a recent LinkedIn post we asked: Where do you sit on the scale of how the Internet of Things (IoT) impacts your business today and tomorrow? Don’t understand IoT impact & over all this change stuff? Will investigate the impact in the future? Understand/aware but cannot identify impact at this time? Understand/aware – Customer demands/insight driving us to embrace […]

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