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Staff Driven Improvement

Hidden Profit Project Teams

Cost Management Specialists are committed to delivering long term value for money. As a result, where it is appropriate to do so, we prefer to work with client's staff through involvement of as many staff as relevant and initiating Hidden Profit Project Teams. This builds a 'cost management mindset' and assists in delivering effective outcomes.

“The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.”
Linus Pauling

A more detailed outline of the Find the Hidden Profit process is outlined in the section on process mapping.

'Find the Hidden Profit' workshops have been conducted for numerous clients in numerous locations over the past fifteen (15) years. Participants have then applied their learning back in the workplace.

The workshop design reflects the depth and breadth of our experience and the value in harvesting staff ideas on cost management. The workshop content invites participants to reflect on internal and external opportunities for cost management which they apply beyond the workshop.

The Find the Hidden Profit workshops have achieved tremendous results in helping organisations move beyond thinking about cost to taking effective action to increase revenue, manage cost and improve profit.

Contact Cost Management Specialists for a copy of our presentation 'Find the Hidden Profit'

“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”
Abraham Maslow

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Page updated: 25th January 2016